MoticEasyScan One
MoticEasyScan Pro 6
Asset 1
MoticEasyScan Pro 24
MoticEasyScan Infinity
Asset 2
MoticFlexScan 60
FS-Live Telepathology System
MoticFlow Teleconsultations

Digital pathology that’s approachable.

Choose scanners and solutions that are simple to operate, effective for review, and reliable over time.

Level up your lab through digital pathology

Make the biggest improvement to your workflow through slide scanners and software solutions that let you create, share, and review slides with ease.

Go digital with MoticEasyScan

This best-in-class product is great for those new to digital slide scanners. Compact, powerful, and deployable anywhere.

Our flagship scanner is ideal for mid-sized clinics and labs, with a 6-slide view optimized for teleconsultations and remote frozen sections or telecytology.

This powerful scanner allows for high-throughput scanning without disruption. Perfect for research, education, and archival use.


With 30+ years of optics innovation and microscopy expertise, our digital pathology solutions are developed with superior manufacturing and designed with pathologists in mind.

From Z-stack mode for thick samples to High Precision mode for wavy samples, ensure high-quality images through multiple and customizable scan modes.

Fully scan images from 60 to 160 seconds for fast image processing and viewing.

Get a better look through objectives ranging from 2X to 40X.

A specialty high-NA objective (20X/0.75) that maximizes color fidelity and resolution to deliver powerful imaging.

Export scanned slides with common file formats including DICOM,SVS and JPG.

Protect patient information and ensure network compliance through encrypted portals and password-protected scanning.

Get in touch with us

Tell us about your needs and we would love to discuss how digital pathology can help.

How we can help


From connecting multiple labs and sites to facilitating fast collaboration, digital pathology can drastically decrease turnaround time, improve productivity, and facilitate rapid onsite assessment.


Easily access and share slide images to help standardize findings and collaborate with peers. Future-proof your lab through slides that don’t deteriorate.


Modernize your teaching environment by scaling the availability of slide sets and powering online casework. Promote remote and e-learning through easy-to-use interfaces and robust annotation tools.

Thank you for your interest in Motic Digital Pathology! For us to help find the best solution for you, please fill out the following form and a Motic team member will be in touch within 1 business day.

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Thank you for your interest in Motic Digital Pathology! For us to help find the best solution for you, please fill out the following form and a Motic team member will be in touch within 1 business day.

Thank you for your interest in Motic Digital Pathology! For us to help find the best solution for you, please fill out the following form and a Motic team member will be in touch within 1 business day.

Thank you for your interest in Motic Digital Pathology! For us to help find the best solution for you, please fill out the following form and a Motic team member will be in touch within 1 business day.